Wednesday, March 26

Tag: South Africa

Sore di Kedai Kopi
Budaya, Gaya Hidup

Sore di Kedai Kopi

17 Maret 2023 Cekikik sepasang entah jenisnya apa, mereka pacaran di pojok kedai. Foto makanan, cekikik lagi, lalu cubit-cubitan. Oleh: Dera Liar Alam Gambar: Meja yang ricuh CEK status, apakah pengulangan, atau saya salah baca #WaringWeraWanua koffie sajak path18 #koffiëtijd #duties #virusbacatulis #menulisrianggembira #karma #bangunindonesia #bangunjiwanya #bangunbadannya #hiduplahindonesiaraya Memberi tanda pada kenangan hari di mana tanggal bergeser, status mewah, uang seadanya ada dalam saku. Seperti biasa nongkrong, punya kawan ngobrol namanya E.D,- . O iya, E.D,- buta-tuli uang, tak dibiasakan sejak orok. Saya ajak dia rumpi, dia cerita jalan virtualnya, Johannesburg, South Africa. Saya tanya Voortrekkers. Nah, P18, kelas IV sekolah dasar dia ketika itu, namun penjela...
The History of May Day in South Africa

The History of May Day in South Africa

1 Mei 2021 Source: SOHO Feature Image: Workers’ Day 2019: A brief history THE STRUGGLE for a shorter workday, a demand of major political significance for the working class dates back to the 1800s. On 7 October 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, in the United States of America and Canada resolved that eight hours should constitute a legal day's labour as of 01 May 1886. The Federation also recommended to workers organizations under their jurisdiction that they abide by this resolution by the said date. Since then May Day has been celebrated on 01 May annually. The first recorded celebration of May Day in South Africa is reported by Ray Alexander to have taken place in 1895 which was organised by the Johannesburg District Trades Council. The next occasion was ...