Saturday, March 29

Tag: Dutch East Indies

Interupsi GSSY
Budaya, Editorial, Guratan, Opini

Interupsi GSSY

20 Agustus 2012 Oleh: Daniel Kaligis “Bung Daniel, biar ley so tinggal di luar negeri, tapi sebagai almamater Perguruan KRIS, tetap tinggal bersama di hati. Kalau saja satu saat ada kesempatan untuk ikut sumbangsih membantu ‘memugar’ sekolah KRIS pasti akan saya lakukan.” — Rondonuwu Indra — Sydney, Australia The son of Jozias Ratulangi and Augustina Gerungan, both from wealthy, well-respected Minahasa families, Sam Ratulangi was born in Tondano, North Sulawesi, at the time a part of the Dutch East Indies. He was a gifted student, who after completing his studies in Tondano and Batavia went to Amsterdam in the Netherlands for further studies. He graduated from a teacher's college as a science teacher in 1915, studied for two more years at the University of Amsterdam, and in 1919 ear...